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Post-Peak Excess Stock: Why It’s A Major Issue & What You Should Do About It
Your Unmissable Guide to Cutting New Year Inventory Overhang
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The problem of excess inventory is something that ecommerce merchants have to face every year. After the holiday season and January discounting, up to half of all online retailers are left with an overstock of unsold goods.
Hard to shift excess stock has proven to be fatal for a number of successful brands in recent times and is now cited as the ‘major concern’ for a majority of e-commerce merchants.
Excess stock is the biggest threat to online brands like yours right now.
Thankfully, there are solutions – and they’re all revealed in our brand new free guide: Post Peak Excess Stock: Why It’s A Major Issue And What You Should Do About It
Download Our Post-Peak Excess Inventory Guide to learn:
📊 Shocking stats that show the causes of overstock and extent of the problem, such as how the average value of excess stock per merchant
🔎 Detailed breakdown of the research, including by sector and business size
✅ Helpful advice and actions you can take immediately to deal with your excess stock and avoid a cash flow crisis
💬 Honest insight and advice from real e-commerce brands on how to tackle your inventory surplus
And lots more…
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